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It's your turn to throw the line.
Phish-Back stolen credentials to attackers

Set up a Bait in minutes
Deploy Baits in 5 minutes and just a few clicks. You don't have to install anything in your network, everything is managed in our SaaS infrastructure.
Trick attackers
We deploy a perfect copy of your SSL VPN, webmail, or even business application. Give it an attractive name and wait for an attacker to test the credentials he's stolen from you on it.
Secure compromised accounts
When testing stolen credentials, the attacker receives a simple "login failed" message. Automate the password change for the compromised user and stop the attack before it even begins.
Finally answer the infamous "are we really attacked?"

Discover your threat level
The concatenation of all the Baits data allows us to draw up an easy-to-understand risk profile. Are you a prime target for attackers, or do you only need to fear opportunistic attacks?
Control public credentials leak
As well as detecting targeted attacks, Baits let you know which public password leaks are really being used against you, so you can be sure you're not missing anything.
Improve your communication
How often does someone try to infiltrate your network? Who are your most targeted users? When are you the most attacked? All these questions can now be answered, enabling you to communicate effectively about YOUR threat level.
Exploit your Baits data to know your enemy

Explore attacker profiles
Find out who's attacking you and why: What is the reputation of your attackers? Where do they come from? Is this their first visit, or do they try their luck every day?
Choose your focus
Use granular identification profiles to focus only on what you need. Filter out public leaks, brute force, password spraying and much more, so you can focus on what's important.
Improve your operations
Connect your orchestration solutions or your XDR to our API to integrate all its data into your day-to-day operations and greatly improve your reactivity to attackers targeting you.
A simple yet highly effective counterattack ready in minutes
Choose an attractive Bait profile
Generate a valid certificate and configure your DNS
We take care of everything else!

Get a personalized view of your risk level instantly, easily shared within your organization.
Instant vision of
your threat level
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